• #12427
Saw a guy make a rlj by cx dismount into one pedal scoot across the junction, cos that makes it ok yeah... top marks for style though.Could have been me...I didn't touch the pavement my side of the crossing thus = fail.
• #12428
Is the cunt Nick Freeman more or less of a cunt than the cunt Rod Liddle, who is also a cunt?
• #12429
Turns out chav teens don't like the whistle. As I sprinted up the hill one refused to look up from his phone (group of ten or so, blocking whole shared path).
It was claimed I spat at him, I assured him quite assertively I whistled. Tit for tat, and threatened yards away by one holding a bottle in a throwing gesture, I just offered "c'mon chase me or something, I'll go easy". They gave up and walked on. Quite disappointed all in all.
Don't whistle at chavs, also don't bet on them chasing for a leg stretcher.
• #12430
But we can probably forgive him that, he seems to have other issues to deal with first!
• #12431
Happy now?
but people ride because their fewer money and can't afford
cars, there's no way they could afford Nick Freeman, who calls himself
Mr Loophole, who is also a cunt. -
• #12432
We need a well ordered cunt list for that.
• #12433
I assume it's a direct quote so nothing against @greenhell. Just interesting that he's a lawyer and so words should be his thing, yet he makes silly mistakes...
• #12434
I'm playin'
[/Y u so srs.jpeg]
• #12435
@greenhell is a fucking cuntgalaxy and should be ignored at all costs.
hey festus. i think owe you a drink.
• #12436
I AM a lawyer!
i'm not really. who wants a fizzy pop?
• #12437
The list hasn't been started yet so you are equally a cunt.
• #12439
Well I had a good one on Tuesday night on my way to my German class on Rotherhithe New Road Roundabout, which is triangular with trees blocking the site across it for those who do not know, go round the curve then get taken out by a Bermondsey street boy riding top speed the wrong way, my bike is fucked luckily I am only bruised as I hit the ground and could easily have broken something
• #12440
Rubbish! Heal up soon. Did he stop etc.? (I imagine not.)
• #12441
Elbow to the face should have re-aligned his perceptions
• #12442
Ach du Scheiße. So ungeil, ich mag nicht die Leute.
• #12443
Please never, ever use Google Translate. It only creates total nonsense like this. Deeply depressing.
• #12444
Mein Luftkissenfahrzeug ist voller Aale.
• #12445
Immer nur übersetzen die Verwendung von Google zu ärgern @Oliver Schick.
• #12446
Ha! Apart from not using Google Translate to write that, it's been a long time since I learnt German. Chill out, besides Ach du Scheiße und ungeil sind richtig.
• #12447
@Oliver Schick magt nicht die Fremden, leider, leider...
• #12448
jesus people, don't encourage him IN GERMAN!!!!
• #12449
I'll text him and say don't read this but I doubt he will get it.
• #12450
Haven sie die Deutsche Ausbildung angesehen?
Are the people who google Nick Freeman really gonna give two fucks if a bunch of cyclists think he's a cunt?