• I'm not really sure why you're here, are you a cyclist? If so why do poor driving standards not concern you?

    I'm a driver and a cyclist and see poor judgement / lack of attention / aggressive behaviour from both drivers and cyclists. It all scares the shit out of me. I would say if you aren't wary then you aren't paying enough attention.

  • I agree there is poor behaviour from both parties and I said in previous comments that if we want to be held to a higher standard in popular opinion we must act like it.

  • I disagree, but my experience is quite different I guess, I'm from Scotland and most of my riding is on A and B roads that are pretty quiet, in villages and on some busy-ish stretches of A road.

    In these conditions the vast majority of dangerous behaviour is by drivers (I say that from my experience behind the wheel and on 2 wheels). Drivers need to be held to a higher standard as they are dangerous to other more vulnerable road users.

    Speed and inattention being the main issues (my friend was killed by a driver that drove into him on a straight well sighted stretch of A road, inattention or malice are the only explanation and I doubt it was malice).

    The other issue is drivers often judge assertive cycling, taking the lane passing exits, leaving a meter between me and a parked car as being obstructive and 'bad cycling'.
