in reply to @MultiGrooves
Don't you think that guardian articles saying that alludes to them basically being biased in the manner you describe won't reinforce that such rhetoric as "The war on motorists"?>
Just take a look at some the outcomes: Driving whilst banned, under the influence, not indicating or doing so in the wrong way leading to death and much worse. If you don't feel a pain in your heart at these ridiculous verdicts then you're beyond talking to. If your logic doesn't tell you something is systematically wrong, again this is a waste of time.
I think if people are driving while banned and/or drunk they should go to prison and if it is that obvious then something probably should change in the legal process for sure.
However lumping every motorist into some sort of cyclist hating fascist is wrong and will cause more hatred and division.
I do think that cyclists in this country should have it drummed into them not to go up the inside of a HGV vehicle even if it seems safe, because it doesn't matter who is in the right or wrong when you get hurt or as in the Young Ladies case deceased.
I also think and this (goes for myself included), that if you want more sympathy / empathy from motorists a lot of cyclists have to behave better towards them and people have to be more responsible e.g. not going out for a load of beers and riding back pissed, riding with no lights on riding on the pavement ... because the first fucking thing people will say is "Well cyclists don't follow the rules either, I saw one doing the other day".
Don't you think that guardian articles saying that alludes to them basically being biased in the manner you describe won't reinforce that such rhetoric as "The war on motorists"?
Extreme opinions on either side of the debate will always polarize it, when in reality I think that most people are decent people and will make the right decision given the right facts. I suspect the low percentages of convictions is because there "must be no reasonable doubt".