Not when it comes to perception that a lot of current road laws are there to raise a bit cash for the council rather than actually stopping dangerous driving. People aren't rational.
No they're not, but you're not going to make them more rational by repeating obvious bloke-in-the-pub-level-bollocks like "going over the speed limit isn't dangerous".
But there are a lot of arbitrary limits i.e. 50mph on a 3 lane carriage way on the way into Sheffield... seriously why is it that slow?
Maybe the road surface is particularly shit when it rains, maybe they want to slow down the traffic to reduce the rate of influx of cars into the city centre. I don't know but, more importantly, neither do you. It's not up to you to make a decision on whether it's arbitrary, and therefore whether you can ignore it. If I accept that you're a good judge of this, I then have to accept that everyone else is too because I have no a priori way of distinguishing their level of competence from yours. That's why we have speed limits (and laws more generally) because we have to account for the lowest common denominator which, in this case, is drivers who think they're awesome but who are, in fact, utterly incompetent.
Nobody is going to do that because everyone wants to get places quickly and 25 mph is really fucking slow on most roads.
I'm not talking about "most" roads, I'm talking about roads with a 30mph limit. Again we're into the fact that most people aren't rational and don't think about the journey time as a whole. 25mph feels slow so people think that voluntarily limiting themselves to 25mph (rather than 30mph) will cost them loads of time. But that's bollocks too. For an urban driving route, most of the time you're not going above 25mph anyway, you're accelerating or decelerating, or stopped at lights or waiting for other cars, pedestrians, bikes, etc. The proportion of the journey for which you even can go above 25mph is so small that limiting yourself to 25mph, instead of aiming for 30mph, makes next to no difference in terms of journey time, but has a really positive effect on safety.
You drive to the conditions. If I am speeding on a straight road with perfect visibility for miles ahead is that dangerous, obviously fucking not.
It's more dangerous than not speeding and it's not your right to impose that additional danger on other road users just because you "feel" that it's not dangerous.
Not when it comes to perception that a lot of current road laws are there to raise a bit cash for the council rather than actually stopping dangerous driving. People aren't rational.
Not when some speed limits are completely fucking arbitrary. If they are going to fast in a residential area, then yeah they should have the book thrown at them.
But there are a lot of arbitrary limits i.e. 50mph on a 3 lane carriage way on the way into Sheffield... seriously why is it that slow?
Nobody is going to do that because everyone wants to get places quickly and 25 mph is really fucking slow on most roads.
If your car's brakes are fucked the car should be in the garage FFS. You drive to the conditions. If I am speeding on a straight road with perfect visibility for miles ahead is that dangerous, obviously fucking not.