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  • OK - lets talk mounts. I want to clean up the front end of my road bike, more out of neatness' sake than anything else. I really liked the Morten Tillquist mounts he was flogging, initially on WW, but he's stopped making them ( @mdcc_tester i'm sure there's a few quid in that niche, if you fancy cncing a batch).

    The other options for stem mounting stuff are not brilliant. Fetha in Australia are ok, but expensive. I've seen their earlier, non-adjustable prototypes and they looked loads better, but are not for sale.

    REC Mounts from Japan make this, which I think would work (and fits quite a broad range of stems). Another bonus is that this mount has additional underslung fittings, so I could pop my light on there too.

    Does anyone use a Barfly stem mount? Cheap and seems functional enough, but I don't really understand how it fits? My stem has a split faceplace, which I think is important somehow?

    The last option is to get a Raceware mount which will do both my Garmin, and my Exposure light. Only probably is that it's fucking massive. On to upside, they do them in Neon Pink which would match the bike 🤔🤔🤔🤔

    Any other options / thoughts?

  • OK - lets talk mounts

    Oh hello sailor!

    I've used Zipp, Barfly, Garmin and SRAM. They all work as expected for static pieces of plastic that hold a small electronic device.


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