Nah. Mora is more for slicing an Apple. Going to test the Schrade in the woods. That's a serious camping knife. You don't want to chop some wood up with a Mora. It's not made for the serious stuff. For normal carry I usually have a RAT-2 in my pocket.
the mora may not be the most quality knife but it is durable. It is more than capable of splitting wood, I definitely used mine to do so for a good amount of time. Not in the best nick now, 3-5 years on, but it could still do the job.
The Mora doesn't have a full tang but otherwise is robust enough for all sorts. I've batoned with one, although I wouldn't generally recommend it. I think they're doing a full-tang variation now which is going to be better for that sort of thing.
Bit... Mall-ninja Tacti-cool
(apart from the mora which is an actually sensible outdoors knife)