So an update to the dishwasher - I googled around a bit, and it sounded like my pressure pump was bunged up. Took the side off the dishwasher, and indeed the drainage switch was stuck. Cleaned it a bit. The pump itself is REALLY bunged up with gunk and scale though. Did my best to clean that out, but there's no easy way to remove the pump so I had to push a drain cleaning pipe cleaner thingy in through the pump outlet in the dishwasher.
Result - the dishwasher does now work again, but is a bit leaky. Like, half a cup of water during a cycle. I think the machine is on its last legs but I've at least given it a few more months.
So an update to the dishwasher - I googled around a bit, and it sounded like my pressure pump was bunged up. Took the side off the dishwasher, and indeed the drainage switch was stuck. Cleaned it a bit. The pump itself is REALLY bunged up with gunk and scale though. Did my best to clean that out, but there's no easy way to remove the pump so I had to push a drain cleaning pipe cleaner thingy in through the pump outlet in the dishwasher.
Result - the dishwasher does now work again, but is a bit leaky. Like, half a cup of water during a cycle. I think the machine is on its last legs but I've at least given it a few more months.