Yes - I've fixed out Indesit one a couple of times, too, and the fix has usually been discombobulating the bits that can be accessed, giving it good clean, recombobulating then praying it works again. And usually it does.
To clarify: is it worth the cost of having an external person repair one? Probably not. DIY: possibly.
The trouble comes when something genuinely is broken, like a pump or PCB - again fairly easy to replace but requires correct diagnosis and its quicker and only marginally more wallet crushing in some cases just to buy a new unit, environment be damned : /
We repaired our Bosch dishwasher the other day.
Had similar symptoms, all we needed to fix it was a torx screwdriver and some towels to soak up some water. They are actually pretty simple beasts - definitely worth a go yourself, there are loads of youtube howto diagnosis/fix videos.