Check this out. Think you'll find it interesting. Great piece, I thought.
Not funding faith schools is a start the National secular society and British humanists had some worrying news on those.
Other than that we have to mix and that's not easy. I mix mostly with work, which is diverse but I'd need to go out and go to multicultural group meetings otherwise. We all easily get stuck with ppl "like us" :)
The northern Ireland and Irish Atheists make a point of it to connect with faith groups that share goals or just to mix.
I have always liked, and trusted, Trevor Philips as a journalist, but this is an interesting analysis of his recent research.
How do we flag up the kind of segregation, self imposed or not, that can lead to the kind of radicalisation that brought about the Brussels and Paris attacks, without further alienating moderate Muslims? Would radicalisation happen anyway, even if we improved integration? Can opinions on homosexuality, marriage etc that Philips looked at in his poll, really tell us anything about the potential for radicalisation anyway? Intractable minefield.