I'm running it on Digital Oceans' $5 a month machine (the cheapest they do). They bill by the hour, so you can spin one up and try it.
That's $10 credit to try it out!
Grab OVPN-AS here
Do not get the community version. The AS includes 2 user license.
It all seems pretty simple.
Set up the droplet,
Download the file using wget
Set the password
Go to the webpage to set it up.Sadly the last step doesn't work, I get
This site can’t be reached refused to connect.
ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSEDNot sure if there is something extra I need to be doing to start the service or what.
Experimenting with other connections (mainly US) I was getting about 5Mbps if that.
Looks like I'll have to look at this OpenVPN-AccessServer. If I'm understanding right then it's a matter of installing it on a cloud machine, connecting and away you go. Is the processor important or would a base configuration do?