Completely insane - I've done a shade under 180mph and the thought of someone going past 30mph+ faster boggles the mind. They're hitting 215mph on some of the longer straights now.
That said, they're hitting 200mph plus at the TT now too. Ooof.
Look at the on wheel/front suspension footage to see how bouncy the road is. 200 on track is very different to 200 on the road. Have done 180 odd on track on a motorbike (straight line at brundingthorpe) and over that in a car.
Completely insane - I've done a shade under 180mph and the thought of someone going past 30mph+ faster boggles the mind. They're hitting 215mph on some of the longer straights now.
That said, they're hitting 200mph plus at the TT now too. Ooof.