Sorry to hear about that, when you mentioned in the other thread that the sensor was ok I assumed it had already been back to Leica. I had mine done by Leica after it was cleaned in Mayfair and the tech told me it needed doing. After that they made the replacement program public and permanent. I couldn't see anything in the photos before it was changed to be honest.
You'll enjoy it once you get shooting with it, the colours are exceptional but Leica is an expensive habit.
thats what the seller told me, that he had it checked in Berlin.
I have been shooting with it the past week and love it so far. the rangefinder really isnt that hard to focus. the files look great on the computer. The rear screen is laughable :)
the sensor only shows corrosion signs on very small apertures. it appears as dust. i sent a photo of the sky at f16 and they told me to sent it for a replacement. On larger apertures its fine.
on one hand it was disappointing but on the other i will have a brand new sensor!
I bought his Leica M9 recently. He has been a bit dishonest about it. told me he had the sensor checked and that it was ok, after sending a photo to Leica the sensor needs a change. at least is free. I told him i didn't want the grip that was advertised and he sent me the camera without a bottom plate (never mentioned he didn't have the bottom plate). so after agreeing to pay half for the bottom plate he now wont replay to any emails.
so if you pass from there some day, please punch him for me :)