• #1527
I'm reticent to use platform as it's a defined term, so could be confused in this context.
• #1529
I've been crystallising lots of stuff recently
• #1530
Ooh... good point.
Let me work out which it is.
• #1531
Tax or science?
(fucking quoting on this forum! Can we switch to taptalk or something)
• #1532
the act of making something into a platform.
made something into a platform.
I think it's the later.
"The platformification of X means it can do A, B and C."
I think I'll just stick with something dull like; "X is a platform, this means it can do A, B and C."
• #1533
Just stuff m8 lets not get technical :)
• #1534
• #1535
Meth then.
• #1536
• #1537
• #1538
dropping a platform
• #1539
#droppingaplatform if you want to be really relevant
• #1540
Said to a client, let me know if you want a chat before the call tomorrow.
Got a response back "I'll absolutely need a download tomorrow"
• #1541
"Fashion retailer Next has warned that 2016 could be like “walking up the down escalator”, predicting its toughest trading conditions since the financial crisis and cutting its forecast for annual sales."
• #1542
Meh. Similes are fine. Metaphors are harder to stomach.
• #1543
Why the fuck is everything
"carefully curated"
Jesus wept.
Soz if pea.
• #1545
On a form to report errors, there is a box labelled "Error causation".
• #1546
Heritage, as a term to describe food items;
Heritage carrots
Heritage beetroot
Heritage tomatoesPlease fuck off. (And take Gouchouchang with you).
• #1547
fuck off forever you spam faced baby.
• #1548
But how would we curate an authentic range of heritage Korean street dining?
• #1549
I don't know, heritage or heirloom seems like a decent name for an old variety of plant to compare it to modern hybrids. What else would you call them?
• #1550
I was just part of a workshop where we were encouraged to share our professional "superpower".
It took every ounce of restraint I have not to say "exuding an air of competence".
powerful WjPrince.