Here it is 1000 and a bit miles in. Cranks are on now and they finish it off perfectly.
I love it. It's served me equally well commuting/at work and out training/clubruns/pub runs and it's really part of the family again.
The forks are very impressive bits of kit, especially with the SON dropouts. The wheels are a bit of a revelation too. Them HED Belgiums are awesome rims. The brakes are the best thing though. Being 16stone and this being a heavy bike, they work wonderfully well, when I naked this Apex out, I'm def going hydro :)
It was a great experience getting the work done and one I'm very grateful for.
Here it is 1000 and a bit miles in. Cranks are on now and they finish it off perfectly.
I love it. It's served me equally well commuting/at work and out training/clubruns/pub runs and it's really part of the family again.
The forks are very impressive bits of kit, especially with the SON dropouts. The wheels are a bit of a revelation too. Them HED Belgiums are awesome rims. The brakes are the best thing though. Being 16stone and this being a heavy bike, they work wonderfully well, when I naked this Apex out, I'm def going hydro :)
It was a great experience getting the work done and one I'm very grateful for.