After a long absence of the forum, I re-enter this thread with a lot of mixed feelings. It was one of the biggest reasons for my hiatus from the forum itself. I received a few PMs and comments that basically meant well but put me into a mental downwards spiral, while I was trying to figure out how to make myself not be in pain all the time.
Everybody has something to say on the topic, yet even the pros have so much conflicting stuff to say, and it can become (and in my case) did become very overwhelming and negative in my mind, that I just had to stop listening to most people all together.
So I won't go into much detail of what my situation is and what works for me, as that seems so deeply personal . The one thing that I want to point out though is that pain perception and the way we're dealing with it has a lot to do with brain, not just the physical defect we all naturally seek to fix, and certain mindset changes have improved my situation drastically.
After a long absence of the forum, I re-enter this thread with a lot of mixed feelings. It was one of the biggest reasons for my hiatus from the forum itself. I received a few PMs and comments that basically meant well but put me into a mental downwards spiral, while I was trying to figure out how to make myself not be in pain all the time.
Everybody has something to say on the topic, yet even the pros have so much conflicting stuff to say, and it can become (and in my case) did become very overwhelming and negative in my mind, that I just had to stop listening to most people all together.
So I won't go into much detail of what my situation is and what works for me, as that seems so deeply personal . The one thing that I want to point out though is that pain perception and the way we're dealing with it has a lot to do with brain, not just the physical defect we all naturally seek to fix, and certain mindset changes have improved my situation drastically.
Interestingly, this also was the topic of something I saw on the ABC just a few days ago: