There seem to be different sets of instructions for clamp-on and braze-on mechs. I have a braze-on mech fitted to a clamp-on adapter: which should I follow? It says you don't need to use the support screw with clamp-on, but do with braze-on.
Talking of the support screw, I wound it in and left a small mark on the frame (it's only small, but I wish I hadn't done it). Then I put the stick-on plate over that mark. But when I later wound the screw on, the plate just squirmed out of place and fell off. Should I superglue this in place or something like that?
There's a tool that you put in place to see whether you need to adjust the cable mount. Do you do this with a taught cable, no cable, or what? Do I do it before I put any tension in the mech at all? Because in different circumstances the cable will fall on different sides of the line.
I've only spent a couple of hours on it but I'm a bit discombobulated. The rear mech is pretty familiar and seems to be working well. The front is working, but it's not slick.
I've read the dealer's manual for the mech but still left with a few questions/ambiguities.
There seem to be different sets of instructions for clamp-on and braze-on mechs. I have a braze-on mech fitted to a clamp-on adapter: which should I follow? It says you don't need to use the support screw with clamp-on, but do with braze-on.
Talking of the support screw, I wound it in and left a small mark on the frame (it's only small, but I wish I hadn't done it). Then I put the stick-on plate over that mark. But when I later wound the screw on, the plate just squirmed out of place and fell off. Should I superglue this in place or something like that?
There's a tool that you put in place to see whether you need to adjust the cable mount. Do you do this with a taught cable, no cable, or what? Do I do it before I put any tension in the mech at all? Because in different circumstances the cable will fall on different sides of the line.
I've only spent a couple of hours on it but I'm a bit discombobulated. The rear mech is pretty familiar and seems to be working well. The front is working, but it's not slick.