• #12227
Much strada commuteuring then? ;)
Now what happens if greenhell spots somebody on a bicycle with a sticker "I voted conservative and proud" or "cameron4lyf" ;)
• #12228
Wow thanks for the reply Oliver.
I guess the underlying issue is lack of infrastructure/support paired with lack of active lifestyle.
At what point did this country become so car mad? With India it was the late 90s when cars and fuel was relatively cheaper to wages in Bull market. Now its a total clusterfuck.
• #12229
Late 60s, early 70s I guess. I'm constantly baffled by how much affection people have for driving in the city. When I ride home through Greenwich I hit gridlock traffic about a mile north of Grove Park station and filter through it all the way home. It must take AGES to drive through it all. Imagine doing that every, single, day...
• #12230
I've got one thing on my Strava account, which is a run I once did.
• #12231
I think in part ppl got car mad as city housing has become expensive and is often small so they move out to get a quality of living.
Obv. that's a government failing, but hey...look at what's happening atm with social housing in London O_o
Look at Amsterdam and other dutch cities and infrastructure/housing is better, along with public transport. But there you'll also find ppl driving that may not have to.
• #12232
I've not even installed it, nor do I have a speedometer :p
But I do sometimes get racing urges on the commute esp. when somebody is in front of me due to RJL. Grrr :)
• #12233
What a joy Whiteman Road was today, anyone see what the knock on effect was like on Green Lanes or Crouch End?
• #12234
Green Lanes is surprisingly fine. Not sure whether that is due in part to school holidays though.
• #12235
My end, haringey, is always rammed, no matter if the schools are in or not.
• #12236
My beater is a Scott that I ride to work but it can't have been me because nobody overtakes me
#boastpost -
• #12237
Yes, I'm in Harringay too. When I said fine I meant the same as normal, not actually good.
• #12238
Do you live in Tulse Hill, wear boring black/fluoro kit and never smile? If so, it could be you :)
• #12239
Just updated commuto-dad bike to front rack and Mary bars - amazing - the sheer amount of people killing themselves to overtake me today was hilarious. Wish I'd done it earlier. For the LOLz
• #12240
Ha no not me then. I must find this Scott riding fellow and challenge him to a duel. There's not room enough for the both of us in this city.
• #12241
Nice to see that the one cycle-proof barricade I encountered yesterday had a gap in it today. No hop onto the pavement needed.
• #12242
Heelllloooo sunshine. Finally warm enough to cycle in a t-shirt.
• #12243
Pfft. Been warm enough for that since last winter
• #12244
That could have been me, the 'Brompton copy' didn't look like this did it?
1 Attachment
• #12245
I'd have spoke to you about this one....as I'm thinking of building something similar!
• #12246
Colder then I expected, less cyclists then I expected, less air in my tyres then I expected, much squeak in my chain then expected.
• #12247
Another guy in spd shoes and flat pedals..but with straps and cages this time
Shoes looked pretty used, I don't get why you'd buy them, then flat pedals. -
• #12248
Anyone can do a fail, maybe got flat, switch bikes, and only spds? Who cares?
OK now this is for all the warriors (I kow I'm guilty of that sometimes):
- try to be understanding if OTHER ROAD USERS cause problems; they may be inexperienced or not know the area well.
- be patient; remember that ANYONE can make a mistake.
- NOT ALLOW YOURSELF TO BE AGITATED or involved if someone is behaving badly on the road. This will only make the situation worse. Pull over, calm down and, when you feel relaxed, continue your journey.
(emphasis supplied)
- try to be understanding if OTHER ROAD USERS cause problems; they may be inexperienced or not know the area well.
• #12249
Fewer cyclists.
• #12250
That also..