• #552
mine is now DenGlanzig y'know like Glenn Danzig but my name is Dennis.
• #553
Updating mine which is now photobenphoto (same as my twitter) and adding atpcardgame for my Attack The Pack card game, as we're after pictures of people taking pictures of their games #attackthepack
Chevron King (>>>>>>) - teenslain
31trum - 31trum
7ven - 7VEN____
AlfredIV - Jadanes_me
andypancake - andyfuckingellis
amey - ameygokarn
apollo - apollo_0
arrowplum - intenseparty
Big H. - big.h26
Breso – breso_org
Ben G – beardy_ben_dirty_stancing
bmxed – bmxed and plkallday
Bannon - 1646london
betty -bettymadethis
bitterbuffalo - lehesk
cazakstan - cazakstan
cliveo - cliveoconnell
cogsucker - DenGlanzig
Crimsonape – crimsonape
Crispin Glover - ah_hatch
Cyclodunc - photo_dunc
Crop - xldoublecropper
craftybutcher - dapthechap
Davog – Davo_g
dimi3 - DTHR
desouz - de_souz
DragunovCZ1 - dragunovcz1
EB - jceem69
Ecobeard - Ecobeard
EEI - Eastendimages
Enso108 - Enso108
eyebrows- eyebroughs
Errm_rich - errm_rich
edscoble - edscoble
Fixedwheelnut - Fixedwheelnut
French Touch – marleymarleymarley
Golfwang - golfwang_____
Gfys – xgfysx
guii - gui
hellomiles- hellomiles
Hobo -himynameisclarence
Hoke - who_da_ho
hudsoncjnr - hudsoncjnr
hms - thejerseypocket
Husy - husy94
Indra – constant_changes
Jess|e – rideridejessie
Ma3K - lllMA3K
malandro - vonstarnberg
Makko – makko9000
Mechanical_vandal - mechanical_vandal
Mi7rennie - Rennigade
monkdagola - monkdagola
nathwilson22 - nathwilson22
Nuknow – nuknow
o'shane - sublimemoment
overtheroad - thespray
photoben – photobenphoto (and also atpcardgame for Attack The Pack).
PQR – PhilQR
Privatepatterson - private_patterson
Pooface - xanderhart
RichG - rgsw9
Roboto – robotosan
sumo - sumocycles
Scoot - scoot__
SP - Superprecision
skullhed - Bengreen
skydancer - kagaruya
Sea fish - seanalexanderfisher
sorethroat - aanguus
soserious - killerstraight
specialegg - colsonknight
Seven04 - thatsven04
T slates – Thomas_slater
Tenderloin - Joetenderloin
trunkie - sihollington
Timbre - trisc
tits - 7upbitch
Thrust - pellbelle
umop3pisdn - umop_3pisdn
Vince - vincentlasseaux and ChampagneLasseaux
Wheel.Eyes - wheel.eyes
yeahnerdz - ameniconi
Yukirin - Dell_Atreide -
• #554
Updated mine to @aseanfisher
Chevron King (>>>>>>) - teenslain
31trum - 31trum
7ven - 7VEN____
AlfredIV - Jadanesme
andypancake - andyfuckingellis
amey - ameygokarn
apollo - apollo_0
arrowplum - intenseparty
Big H. - big.h26
Breso – breso_org
Ben G – beardy_ben_dirty_stancing
bmxed – bmxed and plkallday
Bannon - 1646london
betty -bettymadethis
bitterbuffalo - lehesk
cazakstan - cazakstan
cliveo - cliveoconnell
cogsucker - DenGlanzig
Crimsonape – crimsonape
Crispin Glover - ah_hatch
Cyclodunc - photo_dunc
Crop - xldoublecropper
craftybutcher - dapthechap
Davog – Davo_g
dimi3 - DTHR
desouz - de_souz
DragunovCZ1 - dragunovcz1
EB - jceem69
Ecobeard - Ecobeard
EEI - Eastendimages
Enso108 - Enso108
eyebrows- eyebroughs
Errm_rich - errm_rich
edscoble - edscoble
Fixedwheelnut - Fixedwheelnut
French Touch – marleymarleymarley
Golfwang - golfwang____
Gfys – xgfysx
guii - gui
hellomiles- hellomiles
Hobo -himynameisclarence
Hoke - who_da_ho
hudsoncjnr - hudsoncjnr
hms - thejerseypocket
Husy - husy94
Indra – constant_changes
Jess|e – rideridejessie
Ma3K - lllMA3K
malandro - vonstarnberg
Makko – makko9000
Mechanical_vandal - mechanical_vandal
Mi7rennie - Rennigade
monkdagola - monkdagola
nathwilson22 - nathwilson22
Nuknow – nuknow
o'shane - sublimemoment
overtheroad - thespray
photoben – photobenphoto (and also atpcardgame for Attack The Pack).
PQR – PhilQR
Privatepatterson - private_patterson
Pooface - xanderhart
RichG - rgsw9
Roboto – robotosan
sumo - sumocycles
Scoot - scoot__
SP - Superprecision
skullhed - Bengreen
skydancer - kagaruya
Sea fish - aseanfisher
sorethroat - aanguus
soserious - killerstraight
specialegg - colsonknight
Seven04 - thatsven04
T slates – Thomas_slater
Tenderloin - Joetenderloin
trunkie - sihollington
Timbre - trisc
tits - 7upbitch
Thrust - pellbelle
umop3pisdn - umop_3pisdn
Vince - vincentlasseaux and ChampagneLasseaux
Wheel.Eyes - wheel.eyes
yeahnerdz - ameniconi
Yukirin - Dell_Atreide -
• #555
Follow the sexiest fixie crew on the intergram, created by the forums favourite cunts @the_nltcbmbc
Chevron King (>>>>>>) - teenslain
31trum - 31trum
7ven - 7VEN____
AlfredIV - Jadanesme
andypancake - andyfuckingellis
amey - ameygokarn
apollo - apollo_0
arrowplum - intenseparty
Big H. - big.h26
Breso – breso_org
Ben G – beardy_ben_dirty_stancing
bmxed – bmxed and plkallday
Bannon - 1646london
betty -bettymadethis
bitterbuffalo - lehesk
cazakstan - cazakstan
cliveo - cliveoconnell
cogsucker - DenGlanzig
Crimsonape – crimsonape
Crispin Glover - ah_hatch
Cyclodunc - photo_dunc
Crop - xldoublecropper
craftybutcher - dapthechap
Davog – Davo_g
dimi3 - DTHR
desouz - de_souz
DragunovCZ1 - dragunovcz1
EB - jceem69
Ecobeard - Ecobeard
EEI - Eastendimages
Enso108 - Enso108
eyebrows- eyebroughs
Errm_rich - errm_rich
edscoble - edscoble
Fixedwheelnut - Fixedwheelnut
French Touch – marleymarleymarley
Golfwang - golfwang____
Gfys – xgfysx
guii - gui
hellomiles- hellomiles
Hobo -himynameisclarence
Hoke - who_da_ho
hudsoncjnr - hudsoncjnr
hms - thejerseypocket
Husy - husy94
Indra – constant_changes
Jess|e – rideridejessie
Ma3K - lllMA3K
malandro - vonstarnberg
Makko – makko9000
Mechanical_vandal - mechanical_vandal
Mi7rennie - Rennigade
monkdagola - monkdagola
nathwilson22 - nathwilson22
Nuknow – nuknow
NLTCBMBC - the_nltcbmbc
o'shane - sublimemoment
overtheroad - thespray
photoben – photobenphoto (and also atpcardgame for Attack The Pack).
PQR – PhilQR
Privatepatterson - private_patterson
Pooface - xanderhart
RichG - rgsw9
Roboto – robotosan
sumo - sumocycles
Scoot - scoot__
SP - Superprecision
skullhed - Bengreen
skydancer - kagaruya
Sea fish - aseanfisher
sorethroat - aanguus
soserious - killerstraight
specialegg - colsonknight
Seven04 - thatsven04
T slates – Thomas_slater
Tenderloin - Joetenderloin
trunkie - sihollington
Timbre - trisc
tits - 7upbitch
Thrust - pellbelle
umop3pisdn - umop_3pisdn
Vince - vincentlasseaux and ChampagneLasseaux
Wheel.Eyes - wheel.eyes
yeahnerdz - ameniconi
Yukirin - Dell_Atreide -
• #556
debatable ..
• #557
Who's your favourite then?
• #558
I'll throw mine onto the list
Chevron King (>>>>>>) - teenslain
31trum - 31trum
7ven - 7VEN____
AlfredIV - Jadanesme
andypancake - andyfuckingellis
amey - ameygokarn
apollo - apollo_0
arrowplum - intenseparty
Big H. - big.h26birofunk - staines
Breso – breso_org
Ben G – beardy_ben_dirty_stancing
bmxed – bmxed and plkallday
Bannon - 1646london
betty -bettymadethis
bitterbuffalo - lehesk
cazakstan - cazakstan
cliveo - cliveoconnell
cogsucker - DenGlanzig
Crimsonape – crimsonape
Crispin Glover - ah_hatch
Cyclodunc - photo_dunc
Crop - xldoublecropper
craftybutcher - dapthechap
Davog – Davo_g
dimi3 - DTHR
desouz - de_souz
DragunovCZ1 - dragunovcz1
EB - jceem69
Ecobeard - Ecobeard
EEI - Eastendimages
Enso108 - Enso108
eyebrows- eyebroughs
Errm_rich - errm_rich
edscoble - edscoble
Fixedwheelnut - Fixedwheelnut
French Touch – marleymarleymarley
Golfwang - golfwang____
Gfys – xgfysx
guii - gui
hellomiles- hellomiles
Hobo -himynameisclarence
Hoke - who_da_ho
hudsoncjnr - hudsoncjnr
hms - thejerseypocket
Husy - husy94
Indra – constant_changes
Jess|e – rideridejessie
Ma3K - lllMA3K
malandro - vonstarnberg
Makko – makko9000
Mechanical_vandal - mechanical_vandal
Mi7rennie - Rennigade
monkdagola - monkdagola
nathwilson22 - nathwilson22
Nuknow – nuknow
NLTCBMBC - the_nltcbmbc
o'shane - sublimemoment
overtheroad - thespray
photoben – photobenphoto (and also atpcardgame for Attack The Pack).
PQR – PhilQR
Privatepatterson - private_patterson
Pooface - xanderhart
RichG - rgsw9
Roboto – robotosan
sumo - sumocycles
Scoot - scoot__
SP - Superprecision
skullhed - Bengreen
skydancer - kagaruya
Sea fish - aseanfisher
sorethroat - aanguus
soserious - killerstraight
specialegg - colsonknight
Seven04 - thatsven04
T slates – Thomas_slater
Tenderloin - Joetenderloin
trunkie - sihollington
Timbre - trisc
tits - 7upbitch
Thrust - pellbelle
umop3pisdn - umop_3pisdn
Vince - vincentlasseaux and ChampagneLasseaux
Wheel.Eyes - wheel.eyes
yeahnerdz - ameniconi
Yukirin - Dell_Atreide -
• #559
u xxx
• #560
Not long been on Instragram myself, for sassy duck-faces, I'm michael.rolph
Chevron King (>>>>>>) - teenslain
31trum - 31trum
7ven - 7VEN____
AlfredIV - Jadanesme
andypancake - andyfuckingellis
amey - ameygokarn
apollo - apollo_0
arrowplum - intenseparty
Big H. - big.h26
birofunk - staines
Breso – breso_org
Ben G – beardy_ben_dirty_stancing
bmxed – bmxed and plkallday
Bannon - 1646london
betty -bettymadethis
bitterbuffalo - lehesk
cazakstan - cazakstan
cliveo - cliveoconnell
cogsucker - DenGlanzig
Crimsonape – crimsonape
Crispin Glover - ah_hatch
Cyclodunc - photo_dunc
Crop - xldoublecropper
craftybutcher - dapthechap
Davog – Davo_g
dimi3 - DTHR
desouz - de_souz
DragunovCZ1 - dragunovcz1
EB - jceem69
Ecobeard - Ecobeard
EEI - Eastendimages
Enso108 - Enso108
eyebrows- eyebroughs
Errm_rich - errm_rich
edscoble - edscoble
Fixedwheelnut - Fixedwheelnut
French Touch – marleymarleymarley
Golfwang - golfwang____
Gfys – xgfysx
guii - gui
hellomiles- hellomiles
Hobo -himynameisclarence
Hoke - who_da_ho
hudsoncjnr - hudsoncjnr
hms - thejerseypocket
Husy - husy94
Indra – constant_changes
jambon - michael.rolph
Jess|e – rideridejessie
Ma3K - lllMA3K
malandro - vonstarnberg
Makko – makko9000
Mechanical_vandal - mechanical_vandal
Mi7rennie - Rennigade
monkdagola - monkdagola
nathwilson22 - nathwilson22
Nuknow – nuknow
NLTCBMBC - the_nltcbmbc
o'shane - sublimemoment
overtheroad - thespray
photoben – photobenphoto (and also atpcardgame for Attack The Pack).
PQR – PhilQR
Privatepatterson - private_patterson
Pooface - xanderhart
RichG - rgsw9
Roboto – robotosan
sumo - sumocycles
Scoot - scoot__
SP - Superprecision
skullhed - Bengreen
skydancer - kagaruya
Sea fish - aseanfisher
sorethroat - aanguus
soserious - killerstraight
specialegg - colsonknight
Seven04 - thatsven04
T slates – Thomas_slater
Tenderloin - Joetenderloin
trunkie - sihollington
Timbre - trisc
tits - 7upbitch
Thrust - pellbelle
umop3pisdn - umop_3pisdn
Vince - vincentlasseaux and ChampagneLasseaux
Wheel.Eyes - wheel.eyes
yeahnerdz - ameniconi
Yukirin - Dell_Atreide -
• #561
1 Attachment
• #562
^ instarink
• #563
So is instagram gonna be useless now?
• #564
Only my photography more than just life shit but add if you fancy and I can then stalk you and look longingly at your 2007 Marbella holiday pictures -
• #565
Can anyone one help me with the best way of getting pics from my pc (originally taken with slr) on to instagram. Just logged in on pc and I can't upload as instagram want to be an app based service.
I downloaded bluestacks but I'm not liking it there must a better way.
Any help? -
• #566
plug your phone in to laptop with usb, copy photos on to there.
• #567
Chevron King (>>>>>>) - teenslain
31trum - 31trum
7ven - 7VEN____
AlfredIV - Jadanesme
andypancake - andyfuckingellis
amey - ameygokarn
apollo - apollo_0
arrowplum - intenseparty
Big H. - big.h26
birofunk - staines
Breso – breso_org
Ben G – beardy_ben_dirty_stancing
bmxed – bmxed and plkallday
Bannon - 1646london
betty -bettymadethis
bitterbuffalo - lehesk
cazakstan - cazakstan
cliveo - cliveoconnell
cogsucker - DenGlanzig
Crimsonape – crimsonape
Crispin Glover - ah_hatch
Cyclodunc - photo_dunc
Crop - xldoublecropper
craftybutcher - dapthechap
Davog – Davo_g
dimi3 - DTHR
desouz - de_souz
DragunovCZ1 - dragunovcz1
EB - jceem69
Ecobeard - Ecobeard
EEI - Eastendimages
Enso108 - Enso108
eyebrows- eyebroughs
Errm_rich - errm_rich
edscoble - edscoble
Fixedwheelnut - Fixedwheelnut
French Touch – marleymarleymarley
Golfwang - golfwang____
Gfys – xgfysx
guii - gui
hellomiles- hellomiles
Hobo -himynameisclarence
Hoke - who_da_ho
hudsoncjnr - hudsoncjnr
hms - thejerseypocket
Husy - husy94
Indra – constant_changes
jambon - michael.rolph
Jess|e – rideridejessie
Ma3K - lllMA3K
malandro - vonstarnberg
Makko – makko9000
Mechanical_vandal - mechanical_vandal
Mi7rennie - Rennigade
monkdagola - monkdagola
nathwilson22 - nathwilson22
Nuknow – nuknow
NLTCBMBC - the_nltcbmbc
o'shane - sublimemoment
overtheroad - thespray
photoben – photobenphoto (and also atpcardgame for Attack The Pack).
PQR – PhilQR
Privatepatterson - private_patterson
Pooface - xanderhart
RichG - rgsw9
Roboto – robotosan
sumo - sumocycles
Scoot - scoot__
SP - Superprecision
skullhed - Bengreen
skydancer - kagaruya
Sea fish - aseanfisher
sorethroat - aanguus
soserious - killerstraight
specialegg - colsonknight
Seven04 - thatsven04
T slates – Thomas_slater
Tenderloin - Joetenderloin
trunkie - sihollington
Timbre - trisc
tits - 7upbitch
Thrust - pellbelle
umop3pisdn - umop_3pisdn
Vince - vincentlasseaux and ChampagneLasseaux
Wheel.Eyes - wheel.eyes
yeahnerdz - ameniconi
Yukirin - Dell_Atreide
Soserious - killerstraight -
• #568
Upload to the likes of Flickr. Then download from there on your phone. That's what I do, but I do want them posted to Flickr anyway, otherwise just do the usb option
• #569
Chevron King (>>>>>>) - teenslain
31trum - 31trum
7ven - 7VEN____
AlfredIV - Jadanesme
andypancake - andyfuckingellis
amey - ameygokarn
apollo - apollo_0
arrowplum - intenseparty
Big H. - big.h26
birofunk - staines
Breso – breso_org
Ben G – beardy_ben_dirty_stancing
bmxed – bmxed and plkallday
Bannon - 1646london
betty -bettymadethis
bitterbuffalo - lehesk
cazakstan - cazakstan
cliveo - cliveoconnell
cogsucker - DenGlanzig
Crimsonape – crimsonape
Crispin Glover - ah_hatch
Cyclodunc - photo_dunc
Crop - xldoublecropper
craftybutcher - dapthechap
Davog – Davo_g
dimi3 - DTHR
desouz - de_souz
DragunovCZ1 - dragunovcz1
EB - jceem69
Ecobeard - Ecobeard
EEI - Eastendimages
Enso108 - Enso108
eyebrows- eyebroughs
Errm_rich - errm_rich
edscoble - edscoble
Fixedwheelnut - Fixedwheelnut
French Touch – marleymarleymarley
Golfwang - golfwang____
Gfys – xgfysx
guii - gui
hellomiles- hellomiles
Hobo -himynameisclarence
Hoke - who_da_ho
hudsoncjnr - hudsoncjnr
hms - thejerseypocket
Husy - husy94
Indra – constant_changes
jambon - michael.rolph
Jess|e – rideridejessie
Ma3K - lllMA3K
malandro - vonstarnberg
Makko – makko9000
Mechanical_vandal - mechanical_vandal
Mi7rennie - Rennigade
monkdagola - monkdagola
nathwilson22 - nathwilson22
Nuknow – nuknow
NLTCBMBC - the_nltcbmbc
o'shane - sublimemoment
overtheroad - thespray
photoben – photobenphoto (and also atpcardgame for Attack The Pack).
PQR – PhilQR
Privatepatterson - private_patterson
Pooface - xanderhart
RichG - rgsw9
Roboto – robotosan
sumo - sumocycles
Scoot - scoot__
SP - Superprecision
skullhed - Bengreen
skydancer - kagaruya
Sea fish - aseanfisher
sorethroat - aanguus
soserious - killerstraight
specialegg - colsonknight
Seven04 - thatsven04
T slates – Thomas_slater
Tenderloin - Joetenderloin
trunkie - sihollington
Timbre - trisc
tits - 7upbitch
Thrust - pellbelle
umop3pisdn - umop_3pisdn
Vince - vincentlasseaux and ChampagneLasseaux
Wheel.Eyes - wheel.eyes
xDOMx - xdom_sx
yeahnerdz - ameniconi
Yukirin - Dell_Atreide
Soserious - killerstraightxDOMx - xdom_sx
• #570
I've just signed up to Latergramme, finding it really helpful. Schedule posts and upload photos from your computer. Great for doing a proper edit and then putting up on social, without having to edit from your phone. Free for 30 posts per month. Check it out:
anduse that link and we both get 10 more free post per month. Cheers!
• #571
I notice a lot of people using bots these days... Automated likes/follow unfollow/comments etc... For a business I guess it's kind of excusable but for personal accounts I find it so odd.
Does follower count really give that feel good feeling when you know they're botted?
• #572
The bot accounts seem to get deleted almost immediately these days, many a time I've gone to check out a notification/like/follow from Annalisa69, or somesuch, and the account isn't there anymore...
• #573
Oh, hang on... You mean private accounts! Yeah, that's weird... Instagram is a bloody weird place anyway... 😉
• #574
*Fixed the dropped "s"
Chevron King (>>>>>>) - teenslain
31trum - 31trum
7ven - 7VEN____
AlfredIV - Jadanesme
andypancake - andyfuckingellis
amey - ameygokarn
apollo - apollo_0
arrowplum - intenseparty
Big H. - big.h26
birofunk - staines
Breso – breso_org
Ben G – beardy_ben_dirty_stancing
bmxed – bmxed and plkallday
Bannon - 1646london
betty -bettymadethis
bitterbuffalo - lehesk
cazakstan - cazakstan
cliveo - cliveoconnell
cogsucker - DenGlanzig
Crimsonape – crimsonape
Crispin Glover - ah_hatch
Cyclodunc - photo_dunc
Crop - xldoublecropper
craftybutcher - dapthechap
Davog – Davo_g
dimi3 - DTHR
desouz - de_souz
DragunovCZ1 - dragunovcz1
EB - jceem69
Ecobeard - Ecobeard
EEI - Eastendimages
Enso108 - Enso108
eyebrows- eyebroughs
Errm_rich - errm_rich
edscoble - edscoble
Fixedwheelnut - Fixedwheelnut
French Touch – marleymarleymarley
Golfwang - golfwang____
Gfys – xgfysx
guii - gui
hellomiles- hellomiles
Hobo -himynameisclarence
Hoke - who_da_ho
hudsoncjnr - hudsoncjnr
hms - thejerseypocket
Husy - husy94
Indra – constant_changes
jambon - michael.rolph
Jess|e – rideridejessie
Ma3K - lllMA3K
malandro - vonstarnberg
Makko – makko9000
Mechanical_vandal - mechanical_vandal
Mi7rennie - Rennigade
monkdagola - monkdagola
nathwilson22 - nathwilson22
Nuknow – nuknow
NLTCBMBC - the_nltcbmbc
o'shane - sublimemoment
overtheroad - thespray
photoben – photobenphoto (and also atpcardgame for Attack The Pack).
PQR – PhilQR
Privatepatterson - private_patterson
Pooface - xanderhart
RichG - rgsw9
Roboto – robotosan
sumo - sumocycles
Scoot - scoot__
SP - Superprecision
skullhed - Bengreen
skydancer - kagaruya
Sea fish - aseanfisher
sorethroat - aanguus
soserious - killerstraight
specialegg - colsonknight
Seven04 - thatsven04
T slates – Thomas_slater
Tenderloin - Joetenderloin
trunkie - sihollington
Timbre - trisc
tits - 7upbitch
Thrust - pellbelle
umop3pisdn - umop_3pisdn
Vince - vincentlasseaux and ChampagneLasseaux
Wheel.Eyes - wheel.eyes
xDOMx - xdom_sx
yeahnerdz - ameniconi
Yukirin - Dell_Atreides -
• #575
Does anyone know who boconcrete is?
Changed it up, new username:
That's 5 underscores, follow backs and all that ❤️