• #4852
Hmm, my dedication to speed doesn't even come close. I'll just have to keep buying expensive shiny things in the course of deluding myself they'll make me faster.
• #4853
You've got the wrong substance there, that's what musicians take when they dope. (Well, apart from dope and blow and smack and speed and acid and so on.)
• #4854
'My dedication to speed'
Wrong thread to admit that, bruv
• #4857
an age doctor
• #4858
looks up age doctors in SE England
• #4859
Amaze. And depressing.
• #4860
Even the ones on that thread who claim to be clean sound like they're juiced up to the max with all that macho 'I'm gonna stomp you at the Nationals' bullshit. They must eat a lot of Argentinian beef over there.
• #4861
"...4500 velvet deer antler extract..."
4500 wut nows?
a great amazon review
I've been using the product for just over two-months. My golf hasn't improved a great deal, but I have started to grow some lovely antlers.
• #4862
"Last edited by TravisT;"
• #4863
Hilarious if it is Travis Tygard
Oscar74: Thanks for posting. The only way you're going to emerge from Masters Natz "clean" is if you stop charging. Why? Because thanks to your request, we're going to do a boatload of OOC testing in the 15 weeks prior to Natz. There are only so many Cat1 riders (currently licensed) in the 40-45 age range. I have a good feeling that we'll get to you this time.
And as for myself, once we pop you, I'm going to put your "aging" doctor out of business (permanently). How can I do that? I have a really "fun" day job that deals with exactly that kind of stuff.
Just received the email back from USAC. It turns out that there is a "very manageable" number of Cat1 riders in the 40-45 range. Small enough to allow us to expand well into Cat2s. Oh, and on my advice, USAC will be pushing-out the pre-registration deadline. We'll have a nice short-list to work with when we OOC test.
Also seems to back up the saying that failing a drugs test is failing an intelligence test
• #4864
Gotta be a troll or trying to get someone else in the shit.
Is anyone actually stupid enough to post things like age and where they're going to be racing? I mean, I get dopers are fucking idiots but they usually do their utmost to cover their tracks not blab about it all over bodydouche forums??
• #4865
Nope, looks like that dude was busted.
http://www.usada.org/michael-buckley-accepts-sanction/ -
• #4867
I'll just leave this here
1 Attachment
• #4868
• #4869
You don't mind if I leave that in the football?
• #4870
will they mind? #footballfans #scary
• #4871
yay cycling
• #4872
Steve Coogan has let himself go.
• #4873
Boom! Footballs had it coming a long time. Wonder if we will see some of the biggest brits go down. Deffo buying the Sunday Times tomorrow
• #4874
Deffo buying the Sunday Times tomorrow
Please either steal it or read it online. #newscorpisamongsttheworldsbiggestcunts
Marco Pantani not guilty of 1999 Giro blood test failure. Shame that all other (overwhelming evidence) points to him still being a cheat though. http://www.thecyclist.co.uk/features/2016/3/14/5i2k9yflc3v4w0afkhacwrjrokbkff