I’ve got a few bits left over from a bunch of stuff I sold a while back and didn’t get around to clearing out . . . . so everything is reduced to clear - give the big image below a few seconds to load . . . .
I would rather not have to post stuff, so pick up is preferred, I'm up in Belsize Park, but can meet central if needed.
UPDATE - ❌items marked as sold when they are in the hands of the buyer.❌
❌❌❌SOLD❌❌❌ Phil Wood High Flange Rear Track 32h - Double Fixed - comes with 2 Phil Wood lock rings - all brand new, never laced to a wheel / unused . . . . the white version is no longer made, so increasingly difficult to find now, these retailed for $272.75 on the Philwood website (when they were available) . . . which translates into around £193 of our BritishEuroDollars . . . so let's say £60.
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❌❌❌SOLD❌❌❌ Phil Wood High Flange Front Track 32h - all brand new, never laced to a wheel / unused . . . . same deal as above, white version is no longer made, these retail for $194.75 - which is around translates to around £138 . . . so let's say £50.
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❌❌❌SOLD❌❌❌ Zipp 400 'Speed Weaponry' carbon deep section 650c tubular - super smooth hub - 18 bladed spokes - comes with Vittoria kevlar competition tubular (in great condition) - £50.
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Dura Ace Rear Mech - 9 Speed RD-7700 - with lightweight alloy jockey wheels and pivot bolt (I've got the original wheels/bolt somewhere if you want that too) - £20.
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Nitto Blue Drops - a bit scratched in places, but nothing dramatics, mechanically absolutely fine - £20.
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❌❌❌SOLD❌❌❌EAI 16T Super Star cog - great condition (shiny!) - retails for £45 at places like Hub Jub - so . . . £20.
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EAI 14T Super Star cog - as above . . . £20. (ORIGINALLY LISTED - incorrectly - AS A 18T)
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❌❌❌SOLD❌❌❌Thomson Elite Stem - 5° rise (or -5°) / 100m / standard 25.4mm bar size - all bolts upgraded to titanium fasteners - mint condition / unused - £20.
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New Ultimate seatpost - uber lightweight 'fused' seat post - 129g ! comes with mounting hardware - I'd have to check the diameter, but I'm pretty sure it's 30,9mm - so you can shim to 31.4 if needed.
(details: http://newultimate.com/seatpost/seatpost-alloy ) - brand new / unused, retails for 119.50€ (~£94) . . . . so let's call it £20 . . . . (are you spotting a '£20' theme yet?)
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Mavic 650c Open Pro rim - grey, brand new / unused - the breaking surface is finished in the same grey as the rest of the rim, so if you are running 'brakeless' up front there's no visible breaking surface - £20.
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Chain tensioners - £10 for the pair.
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Shimano XT Hollowtech BB - perfect working order - £10.
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❌❌❌SOLD❌❌❌Paul E Lever - White - I did sell this to doubtfulace / @DoubtfulAce but I sorta' lost contact . . . a few scratches, but perfect working order - £15.
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Bontrager Air Rush (road) - mini pump, also takes CO2 cartridges - brand new / unused - retails for £24.99 in Evans . . so £10.
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Dura Ace front brake - White - perfect condition - no scratches - £20.
I’ve got a few bits left over from a bunch of stuff I sold a while back and didn’t get around to clearing out . . . . so everything is reduced to clear - give the big image below a few seconds to load . . . .
I would rather not have to post stuff, so pick up is preferred, I'm up in Belsize Park, but can meet central if needed.
UPDATE - ❌items marked as sold when they are in the hands of the buyer.❌
❌❌❌SOLD❌❌❌ Phil Wood High Flange Rear Track 32h - Double Fixed - comes with 2 Phil Wood lock rings - all brand new, never laced to a wheel / unused . . . . the white version is no longer made, so increasingly difficult to find now, these retailed for $272.75 on the Philwood website (when they were available) . . . which translates into around £193 of our BritishEuroDollars . . . so let's say £60.
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❌❌❌SOLD❌❌❌ Phil Wood High Flange Front Track 32h - all brand new, never laced to a wheel / unused . . . . same deal as above, white version is no longer made, these retail for $194.75 - which is around translates to around £138 . . . so let's say £50.
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❌❌❌SOLD❌❌❌ Zipp 400 'Speed Weaponry' carbon deep section 650c tubular - super smooth hub - 18 bladed spokes - comes with Vittoria kevlar competition tubular (in great condition) - £50.
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Dura Ace Rear Mech - 9 Speed RD-7700 - with lightweight alloy jockey wheels and pivot bolt (I've got the original wheels/bolt somewhere if you want that too) - £20.
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Nitto Blue Drops - a bit scratched in places, but nothing dramatics, mechanically absolutely fine - £20.
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❌❌❌SOLD❌❌❌EAI 16T Super Star cog - great condition (shiny!) - retails for £45 at places like Hub Jub - so . . . £20.
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EAI 14T Super Star cog - as above . . . £20. (ORIGINALLY LISTED - incorrectly - AS A 18T)
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❌❌❌SOLD❌❌❌Thomson Elite Stem - 5° rise (or -5°) / 100m / standard 25.4mm bar size - all bolts upgraded to titanium fasteners - mint condition / unused - £20.
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New Ultimate seatpost - uber lightweight 'fused' seat post - 129g ! comes with mounting hardware - I'd have to check the diameter, but I'm pretty sure it's 30,9mm - so you can shim to 31.4 if needed.
(details: http://newultimate.com/seatpost/seatpost-alloy ) - brand new / unused, retails for 119.50€ (~£94) . . . . so let's call it £20 . . . . (are you spotting a '£20' theme yet?)
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Mavic 650c Open Pro rim - grey, brand new / unused - the breaking surface is finished in the same grey as the rest of the rim, so if you are running 'brakeless' up front there's no visible breaking surface - £20.
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Chain tensioners - £10 for the pair.
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Shimano XT Hollowtech BB - perfect working order - £10.
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❌❌❌SOLD❌❌❌Paul E Lever - White - I did sell this to doubtfulace / @DoubtfulAce but I sorta' lost contact . . . a few scratches, but perfect working order - £15.
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Bontrager Air Rush (road) - mini pump, also takes CO2 cartridges - brand new / unused - retails for £24.99 in Evans . . so £10.
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Dura Ace front brake - White - perfect condition - no scratches - £20.
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❌❌❌SOLD❌❌❌**KMC Titanium Nitrade Track chain - £10.