So a 53cm Road Logic popped up on eBay in seemingly mint condition, a few here probably saw it. Asked the seller a few questions prior to pulling the trigger, including exposed steerer length. He had cut it to leave 35mm exposed???? Damn it, why do short!
It did prompt another query though. Does anyone know the difference between the Road Logic and the Road Logic 2.0?
The one on eBay had the brake cable on the top of the top tube, others I've seen (pedalroom etc) have it on the underside. How do you tell them apart?
So a 53cm Road Logic popped up on eBay in seemingly mint condition, a few here probably saw it. Asked the seller a few questions prior to pulling the trigger, including exposed steerer length. He had cut it to leave 35mm exposed???? Damn it, why do short!
It did prompt another query though. Does anyone know the difference between the Road Logic and the Road Logic 2.0?
The one on eBay had the brake cable on the top of the top tube, others I've seen (pedalroom etc) have it on the underside. How do you tell them apart?