That looks amazing. I'll have to fly over with my little FS XC bike for a long weekend. I'm in Perth...although cost-wise it'll be cheaper boxing my bike up and flying to Indonesia for a weekend of trails!
Does Indo have good trails? It's well worth doing a bit of a tour around Victoria. You Yangs, Mt. Buller, Bright, Wombat and Buxton are all a shit load of fun!
Forrest in Victoria! Tiny little town with a campsite, brewery, and a shit load of trails.!4m2!3m1!1s0x6ad36eacb692585d:0x40579a430a0c4a0?sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwin0ef9gtjLAhXELpQKHUAqBgkQ8gEIhgEwDg