That was a brilliant race, tension, strategy, good fighting, ridiculous crash with no injuries, great rookies. All round fun to watch.
My takeaway impressions are:
Ferrari are hot on the heels of Mercedes. Good.
Jolyon Palmer is a great driver. Awesome for everyone, not least @gridds.
The C4 coverage is more than passable and the edit on the highlights package was done quite nicely.
The C4 lead guy is a tosspot, but that is made up for by the rest of the experienced team.
Haas: looks like a whole new way of doing F1 and it working. Maclaren Honda should just buy Ferrari kit, eh?
Alonso is the messiah. Pretty sure he could moon walk on water.
New tyre rules seem good although all the tyres are the same pace; in the Australian afternoon, at least.
Verstappen is faster than Sainz but should wind in his lip and extend his right foot.
That was a brilliant race, tension, strategy, good fighting, ridiculous crash with no injuries, great rookies. All round fun to watch.
My takeaway impressions are:
Ferrari are hot on the heels of Mercedes. Good.
Jolyon Palmer is a great driver. Awesome for everyone, not least @gridds.
The C4 coverage is more than passable and the edit on the highlights package was done quite nicely.
The C4 lead guy is a tosspot, but that is made up for by the rest of the experienced team.
Haas: looks like a whole new way of doing F1 and it working. Maclaren Honda should just buy Ferrari kit, eh?
Alonso is the messiah. Pretty sure he could moon walk on water.
New tyre rules seem good although all the tyres are the same pace; in the Australian afternoon, at least.
Verstappen is faster than Sainz but should wind in his lip and extend his right foot.
Looking forward to the rest of the season,