Here it is! size XL and weighs around 15.1kg stock. Weight doesnt bother me much as i am planning to strap a load of stuff and a baby seat to it. Felt really nippy for its size when I just took it for a spin. Glad to see it came shipped with the kenda tyres, I was expecting schwalbe nobby nic's and would have swapped them straight away (too nobbly). Props to Charlie as ever!
Here it is! size XL and weighs around 15.1kg stock. Weight doesnt bother me much as i am planning to strap a load of stuff and a baby seat to it. Felt really nippy for its size when I just took it for a spin. Glad to see it came shipped with the kenda tyres, I was expecting schwalbe nobby nic's and would have swapped them straight away (too nobbly). Props to Charlie as ever!