You're a bugger Hatbeard. I dithered for a couple of days and missed a discount level, but now ordered one too. Likewise can't wait!
I sold it to myself by saying basically they'll be too expensive once they go full rrp for me to ever be able to justify buy one so getting one at a discount was basically the only smart move.
I was no. 8 on the list of buyers on indiegogo and i'm guessing you're around the 1300 mark so will be interesting to see how they are dispatched and if we get them around the same time.
Just pre-ordered myself a roccbox pizza oven for my birthday (delivery is slated for june).
can't use it indoors (guessing carbon monoxide and/or megasmoke issues) so bit useless for my current flat but as a longer term purchase and for taking outside for summer bbq's and maybe even some camping adventures I can't wait.