I have no recommendations, I just bought the one spray varnish that was in the local art shop because I totally forgot it when I was planning the thing. Maybe @hoops could offer a thought? Tbh I just took a punt at it because the frame was fucked anyway, he's the expert.
FWIW, I bought loads of plastic sheeting and set up a little spray booth in my garage. Otherwise the overspray goes EVERYWHERE. Between coats and sanding and making tea and shitposting on here it took me about a week. If you've got inside hanging space, a heater will help between coats.
Let me know how you get on with the bike spray, as I've got a new cross bike project to fuck up with amateurish painting. I just used, whatever it's called, the hardcore graffiti spray-paint they sell in Black and Chrome.
I had kind of pictured a relaxed 40 minutes in the garden this weekend and it would be beautiful.. alas.
Think I'm going to go with this stuff: http://spray.bike/ which has had a very good write up, and apparently needs minimal prepping (will probably do sanding first though) as it's meant to behave like a powder coat.
Will def. clear coat after - any you recommend?