• #39327
What if someone links to several opposing ideologies?
• #39328
^^ it's the least i could do. it's for your own good you know, and i say that as god's own anointed representative of the 'modern left' on this coil or some shit.
• #39329
I know your a bit anti-capitalism but you could at least make the effort with your letter I.
• #39330
• #39331
Throw the dog a stick and watch him go.
• #39332
ha! well you sure got me.
• #39333
Ha. I have dealt with seaman Staines in the past and yes he is a cunt - plus he has hair like a badger, lol! - but he does sometimes post interesting stuff. And this:
It's healthy to read opinions and sources you don't agree with.
100%. Although I'd be very concerned if any Labour supporters think Vicky Kirby should have been readmitted to the party.
• #39334
It's healthy to read opinions and sources you don't agree with.
If you don't, you just end up circle jerking* in a filter bubbled* echo chamber*.
* Yay buzzwords...
• #39335
I wonder which first class Northern printing establishment was responsible for this little fuck up?
Aberdeen city polling cards contain 'Scotalnd' error
• #39336
quoted for balance.
• #39337
Unfortunate they didn't manage Scoatlnd, which would've at least been phonetically correct.
• #39338
Unfortunate they didn't manage Scoatlnd, which would've at least been phonetically correct.
Not 'they' but 'we'.
Our factory is in a minor meltdown!
• #39339
scroteland would be more in keeping with its populus
• #39340
High five!
• #39341
'Scoatlund' ya bass! @General_Lucifer is this because your visa application was rejected?
• #39343
Downs Buckfast, gives hard stare.
• #39344
^^I agree with all the comments
• #39345
Gets a new page, collapses in angst.
• #39346
“I’m delighted that finally the chancellor has realised the dangers of coke,” he said to laughter from MPs. “It’s just a shame he couldn’t bring himself to use the word himself and used the word cola.”
not sure if this is an " allowed " source
• #39348
finally! schools will be run by those best qualified to make money out of them. but hey! look over here everyone! here's jamie oliver and sugar tax.
i'm sure toby young is creaming his keks at this news.
tory? fuck you.
• #39349
tory? fuck you.
you should answer the phone with this
• #39350
i never answer the phone. how can i when i
clearly have an issue with free speech
If anyone posts a link to an external site, they shall be presumed to have endorsed its content and ideology unless they explicitly state differently.
If it is not clear from the link which site you will be visiting e.g. hotlink, this should again be stated explicitly so our browser histories are not sullied with the ideologically impure.
Anyone breaking these rules should be prepared for the wrath of god/greenhell to be visited upon them.