If Your weight is going Down, Your resting heartrate is going Down, and Your muscle mass is going up. Youre doing great. These are all good Things which tend to cancel each other out a bit in terms of a total body weight figure.
Personally I'm stabilising. Which is kinda dull. But cant really press for more With my current training load.
Plus I've just committed to a rugby 7s tournament. Fecking 10kg Down from my usual game weight. Maybe I'll be suited to running away from the big bad men.
The beer isn't helping, but for my sanity I'm not cutting that out. I'm getting a minimum of 10 hours of exercise a week, I've got muscles in my legs I've never seen before, my resting heart rate is way down (I now rest like an athlete - not sure if that's good or not) but the pudge won't budge. Someone in work did say she reckoned I'd lost weight though.