As well as being a keen cyclist I am also a ballistics expert, having spent time in the British special forces.
Some of us get issued Oakley Ballistic shades, but after buying a pair for cycling recently it dawned on my how much of a mark-up there is on cycling specific sunglasses.
If you enter "Oakley S.I. Ballistic M Frame" into any search engine you will find, for less than £100, Oakley frames as well as 2 pairs of lenses, shaded and clear.
I can absolutely assure you that if eye protection is your goal you cannot beat this model. They provide a wide protection (similar to jaw Breakers) and are comfortable under a helmet. They should come with a strap, for extra security and lens solution - unlikely with a Cavendish endorsed pair. They'll also come with a hard pouch, again similar to the one provided with Jaw Breakers.
I wear mine with the "M-Frame Helo Kit Lightweight Rubber Matte Black 53-073" as this prevents fogging and annoying insects. This should cost about a tenner.
Anyway, hope you don't mind this heads up and I hope its in the correct section.
As well as being a keen cyclist I am also a ballistics expert, having spent time in the British special forces.
Some of us get issued Oakley Ballistic shades, but after buying a pair for cycling recently it dawned on my how much of a mark-up there is on cycling specific sunglasses.
If you enter "Oakley S.I. Ballistic M Frame" into any search engine you will find, for less than £100, Oakley frames as well as 2 pairs of lenses, shaded and clear.
I can absolutely assure you that if eye protection is your goal you cannot beat this model. They provide a wide protection (similar to jaw Breakers) and are comfortable under a helmet. They should come with a strap, for extra security and lens solution - unlikely with a Cavendish endorsed pair. They'll also come with a hard pouch, again similar to the one provided with Jaw Breakers.
I wear mine with the "M-Frame Helo Kit Lightweight Rubber Matte Black 53-073" as this prevents fogging and annoying insects. This should cost about a tenner.
Anyway, hope you don't mind this heads up and I hope its in the correct section.