Clipless shoes that look like regular shoes are, I think without exception, hideous.
So, I had a pair of MKS Sylvan Touring pedals which were pretty good, and take toe clips. More balleur option is White Industries Urban Platform Pedal. There's a cheaper option of the MKS Urban Platform which are a rip off of the White Industries.
However, if you want to keep your regular shoes nice, then straps with plastic bmx pedals might work if you can bear the aesthetic. Cheap option would be something like http://www.amazon.co.uk/TOOGOO-Bicycle-Double-Velcro-Straps/dp/B00JVJFAEW with http://www.customriders.com/prodshow.asp?prodid=11212&gclid=CJrM8c6DxcsCFSQW0wodnpoAcQ
I'm after a good set of pedals, that can take a toe clip.
a decent pair of clipless shoes that can be worn every day.
What's your recommendations?