Wouldn't that depend upon which side of the ideological boundary one fell upon?
To the original point though I would also argue that 'social cleansing' borrows its terminology from 'ethnic cleansing' and whilst we all might agree that nothing is being 'cleansed' the phrase is useful as it is a vile and disturbing phrase being used to describe something vile. It implies things that make most people (rightly) feel uncomfortable and angered, and that there is still such a thing to many as an 'undesirable population' and that they are being washed from the face of their neighbourhoods.
Wouldn't that depend upon which side of the ideological boundary one fell upon?
To the original point though I would also argue that 'social cleansing' borrows its terminology from 'ethnic cleansing' and whilst we all might agree that nothing is being 'cleansed' the phrase is useful as it is a vile and disturbing phrase being used to describe something vile. It implies things that make most people (rightly) feel uncomfortable and angered, and that there is still such a thing to many as an 'undesirable population' and that they are being washed from the face of their neighbourhoods.