Get a c41 dev kit and push
Might do just that (but push Portra rather than Ektar).
You are using that Digibase kit, right?
Still having problems with the stabilizer?Would appreciate any tips regarding C41 home dev (done black and white a lot, albeit ages ago, so familiar with the workflow in general).
I think I solved the stabilizer thing by simply taking the hung up film between my index and middle finger and running them down to take off the excess (I didn't want to risk scratches with a squeegee). It's still not as clean as my monochrome (which is always spotless after a quick rinse in wetting agent and simply being left to dry) but it's no longer a problem.
In general the main thing I'm still not sure about is whether or not to prewet the film. The instructions say you should, but the internet and what I understand about the effect say you shouldn't... I just decided to follow the instructions and I it's caused no problems for me, maybe the difference is too small if you're correcting the colors after scanning anyway.
Also although you can develop at different temperatures and the kit gives you times I'm pretty sure developing at low temperatures gives you crappy thin negs.
Get a c41 dev kit and push Ektar to 400. Instant unique, bold palette and it doesn't seem too bad with skin tones either. I suspect it is tricky to scan tho.
I have the same reservations with Portra tbh but it's just so good and flexible (plus I have a freezer full of random expired stuff when I get bored).