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  • Where did someone here post that one of the Supernovas isn't compatible with the B&M Topline Brake? I'm assuming it's the totally bonkers bright offroad E3 Triple 2.

    EDIT nope I just saw on the Rosebikes page for the E3 Pro2. Damn. Guess I'll have to buy a new basic Topline.

    My B&M Luxos U has just gone bonkers, I think due to water* getting in there. I'm going to get a replacement, but I'd rather buy one that works better.

    Money down the fucking tubes.

    *only sodding rain. Not submerged in a ford. Or fjord.

  • Haven't looked here lately, but thanks for tip on topline seller.

    @pastry_bot with the benefit of hindsight, I think I will smear a little silicone grease into the seams of the casing (if they replace or repair the light under warranty. I've sent it back to the retailer, Starbike). I think mine may have let water in just at the top of the lens where the casing has a sort of lip overhanging. The bike was outside on a rainy day hung vertically by the front wheel the day the light went bonkers.


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