Depends how much of a premium you put on portability, really. The Xpro 1 is wonderful compared to an SLR, compared to a pocket camera it's big. I have found myself using the x100 and Ricoh GR more because of the size and because I've mainly been taking photos on a whim when I'm out and about. If I were being a lot more active about going out and 'doing photography' I'd probably keep the xpro 1 though.
Good advice.. i never take my XP1 out to just 'do photogaphy' and often find myself not taking it to things i would like to take it to because i dont want to carry a bag.. think I might just by the sony, see how much i use my XP1 over the first few months and sell up if i dont use it
Depends how much of a premium you put on portability, really. The Xpro 1 is wonderful compared to an SLR, compared to a pocket camera it's big. I have found myself using the x100 and Ricoh GR more because of the size and because I've mainly been taking photos on a whim when I'm out and about. If I were being a lot more active about going out and 'doing photography' I'd probably keep the xpro 1 though.