Sheldon Brown's crib sheets are a great resource, the one about headsets is here. The actual building of a bike is quite easy, the hard part is making sure all the parts will fit together.
I'm a little confused here: a Gazelle will use an ISO standard headset, which is what your Campag HS should be.
Even if the crown race was JIS (did you buy the HS second-hand, the parts could have become mixed-up) it would be loose on an ISO fork crown.
So either the forks aren't original and have a JIS standard crown, or you're confusing what should be a tight, interference fit with being the wrong size.
The crown race shouldn't fit easily over the fork crown and you will need a crown race setter to get it on.
The tolerances are quite fine so if all the parts should fit but don't (paint on the fork crown for example), then you could take some Emery cloth to crown/race.
As suggested above, get some Vernier calipers: easy to read digital ones are a fiver or so off of eBay. Until you know exactly what you're dealing with, you won't know exactly how to deal with it!
Sheldon Brown's crib sheets are a great resource, the one about headsets is here. The actual building of a bike is quite easy, the hard part is making sure all the parts will fit together.
I'm a little confused here: a Gazelle will use an ISO standard headset, which is what your Campag HS should be.
Even if the crown race was JIS (did you buy the HS second-hand, the parts could have become mixed-up) it would be loose on an ISO fork crown.
So either the forks aren't original and have a JIS standard crown, or you're confusing what should be a tight, interference fit with being the wrong size.
The crown race shouldn't fit easily over the fork crown and you will need a crown race setter to get it on.
The tolerances are quite fine so if all the parts should fit but don't (paint on the fork crown for example), then you could take some Emery cloth to crown/race.
As suggested above, get some Vernier calipers: easy to read digital ones are a fiver or so off of eBay. Until you know exactly what you're dealing with, you won't know exactly how to deal with it!