• #54202
I'm almost certain it is
• #54203
Nice curvy lo pro -
• #54204
"Really low profile position even with mtb riser bars."
Must be on here!
• #54205
"resprayed black
bottom bracket included"resprayed black with a fire extingusher and boot brush
bottom bracket included as I cant get it outftfy
• #54206
• #54207
bottom bracket included
That always gets my goat: written as if they're doing you a favour, rather than lumbering you with a Herculean task, a possibly fucked shell and a BB that is unlikely to suit your cranks (assuming it isn't scrap).
• #54208
http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/131745025889?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT very nice as good as new Doug Pinkerton track baik.
20" square collection only in Redditch...but no bids yet, so who knows, maybe if you offer £300 BIN and get a courier the seller will post.
• #54209
I want the seatpost...
• #54211
• #54212
Saddle doesn't match
1 Attachment
• #54213
Painted 2 weeks ago and with no logo wheels.
• #54214
Anyone noticed a £5 discount voucher on the sales pages of Ebay auctions? Just used it to buy one of these moon knock-offs and got it for nowt: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/271888087397
• #54215
Not seen , what's the code?
• #54216
The annoying thing is it's disappeared since I used it. I took a screengrab last night so I'll try and find that when I get home. Don't know if it was user specific or what?
I'll try and find where it was.
Edit: It was basically a little £ sign roughly in the area indicated by the pink square:
• #54217
That is really quite hideous!
• #54218
• #54219
Not got it
1 Attachment
• #54220
Hmm. I promise I'm not delusional. I'll find the screencap when I'm home.
• #54221
You should buy it Mario
• #54222
Just got this email:
That looks like the code I used, but anyone's welcome to try and see if it works: SENGP2WK836D37ZZN
• #54223
why me?!
• #54224
'It's me, Mario!'
• #54225
I want this but the price seems immense, especially considering its condition... It's even got my name on it :-)
1 Attachment
Is it 700c, i can't decide with photos?