Generally you use the last three digits of your BC licence. You can pick a number but run the risk of duplicate numbers in which case you may be asked to modify your number on the day(most often by adding an x ie. 45x). Single digit numbers tend to be reserved for earned rankings W1 is world number 1, 1.5 is South Region number 1.
Not relevant for this race but at certain levels of racing background and number colours are different for cruisers v. standard classes and male v. female.
Hope this helps rather than confuses
Generally you use the last three digits of your BC licence. You can pick a number but run the risk of duplicate numbers in which case you may be asked to modify your number on the day(most often by adding an x ie. 45x). Single digit numbers tend to be reserved for earned rankings W1 is world number 1, 1.5 is South Region number 1.
Not relevant for this race but at certain levels of racing background and number colours are different for cruisers v. standard classes and male v. female.
Hope this helps rather than confuses