£108 !
This is a bit better value: http://shop.lego.com/en-GB/LEGO-Creative-Suitcase-10682
That actually goes back towards the origins of LEGO in the 60s. They used to sell kits like that, quite possibly before it became popular as a children's toy. (When I was small, I never realised quite how recently these plastic toys had been invented.)
And yes, most LEGO is definitely too expensive.
There are several companies around now that make non-LEGO versions of LEGO. I think they've been able to do this since certain patents have expired. Strictly in the interest of scientific enquiry, I'm planning to get a bag of them
for myselffor my nephews to see if they're any good.http://www.q-bricks.org/en/
I'm mainly attracted by this because they do simple packages of assorted bricks rather than those completely useless models LEGO does these days. (Judging from recent experience, they contain far too many flat bricks and not enough of substance to enable proper building.)