In my, admittedly long, time on this planet. I've quit solvent abuse, drugs, smoking, Heavy boozing, you name it.
When someone tells me I should quit eating a bowl of cereal before bed, it boils my blood.
Guess I'll keep it up untill the fun of being light wears off. I can see myself setting a load of PBs, peaking, and then getting bored, followed by geting fat.
In my, admittedly long, time on this planet. I've quit solvent abuse, drugs, smoking, Heavy boozing, you name it.
When someone tells me I should quit eating a bowl of cereal before bed, it boils my blood.
Guess I'll keep it up untill the fun of being light wears off. I can see myself setting a load of PBs, peaking, and then getting bored, followed by geting fat.