Don't know what finances are like, but to save money its quite simple to convert old routers into wifi repeaters. Works out a lot cheaper than buying the purpose made ones?
Also, in terms of tech, we're working on a big resi tower in the City at the moment and had a firm create an app for the residents specific to what's being provided tech wise. Its pretty cool as means everything is in one place and its specific to them. Sure there's plenty of forumers who have those skills...
Oh... also there are plenty of clear solutions available now to tanking the stonework, another option could be a limewash? Some of the options are relatively cost effective too>Finances are always tight! Do like the idea of having a simple app developed though, will add that to the 'wants' list.
See my next post on insulation about the stonework...
Don't know what finances are like, but to save money its quite simple to convert old routers into wifi repeaters. Works out a lot cheaper than buying the purpose made ones?
Also, in terms of tech, we're working on a big resi tower in the City at the moment and had a firm create an app for the residents specific to what's being provided tech wise. Its pretty cool as means everything is in one place and its specific to them. Sure there's plenty of forumers who have those skills...
Oh... also there are plenty of clear solutions available now to tanking the stonework, another option could be a limewash? Some of the options are relatively cost effective too