well, it was mated to a special 4wd transfer case and an ex 1200hp drag cars gearbox. Was built into one of those wall climbing dune buggy things. I guess the interesting this was that they mounted the engine longitudinally meaning it would be possible to build a RWD 850 estate - maybe.
The 850 was available in an AWD version, complete with IRS and rear diff from the RWD Volvo's of the time.
Those cars used an angle gear from the gearbox to send drive backward, into a viscous coupler that then connected to the rear diff.
The angle-gear is the weak point, as is that viscous coupler/central differential - my personal recipe for an RWD 850 would be to take the whiteblock M90 gearbox from an S/V90, chuck that on the I5, insert in the North/South orientation which would feed the existing rear diff.
You'd need to do a not insignificant amount of work to rotate the engine through 90 degrees, but the chassis has the rest of the work already done for you. I imagine you'd need to cut out a lot of the bulkhead etc, so not for the faint-hearted.
An easier route might be to use the gearbox and central diff from (say) an Evo, then you'd have a 4WD 850 with a system that won't appear in the rear view mirror after a few minutes.
For the front wheels? Yep, I'm sure.