Low must have even changed that in the last month or two. My friend was thinking about a Low Pursuit until he realized it was 2X the price he had in mind. clearly remember seeing the $2600 listed as the base cost for a custom frame on the order page....I even went back to the emails and checked the links. Same links but I now see there is no price listed for custom....makes me wonder if that got jacked up as well.
Yeah, SF is nuts. Prices are getting near Chelsea/Knightsbridge territory. I would definitely spend time in SF before deciding to move. I lived there awhile and just couldn't handle the tech scene...so many venture capital/Standford bros just ruining the city/culture. I actually found the people more vapid than LA/Orange County.
I was back there recently and didn't recognize half the areas.
Back to bikes, sorry for the rant.
Yeah, Low does offer a "custom" frame for $2600-ish....they'll build it on your specs. Still pricey though.
They definitely build bikes for the "colorways"/Supreme/Illest/Cadence crowd. That and the fact you can get SF'ers to pay $15 for a cup of drip coffee and they'll still line up out the door if there is a perception of it being better. That city makes NY'ers look thrifty.