Yeah, it's saved my sanity.
We (CloudFlare) internally ran our systems with captcha's enabled for every site on CloudFlare.
It's basically the "Give us the worst-case experience of being on Tor + having an untrusted browser.".
A few weeks of that and what do you know, we're starting to create things that help Tor users and our customers... such as the ability to whitelist Tor if your site is on CloudFlare.
Which is what I've just turned on for LFGSS.
We also reload the Tor IP address list more frequently to prevent new nodes triggering captchas before we include them in the virtual country that is Tor.
And we've made the captcha's auto-submit and reload the page upon completion... saving a click and some time.
But I suspect we're heading towards just turning them off. A lot of traffic to a site is legitimate bot traffic (especially if a site has APIs), and that stuff can never answer a captcha successfully.
Thank you for the info, and also the audio captcha tip- never thought to use it.