• This is definitely not an audiophile question, but one about audio. Need a small all-in-one system for the kitchen. Weighing up the benefits of a 'smart' system e.g. Marantz MCR vs a 'dumb' one e.g. Denon DN40 + Chromecast Audio (or similar). Thoughts?

  • As I said upthread I went for an MCR610, mostly because it had good connections and sounded good, but the internet radio is easy to use with the standard remote and worth having, as is the built in Airplay, which means I can have the same music simultaneously from the speakers in our living room, cellar, bathroom and kitchen, or different combinations - PARTY.

    I have also plugged a Chromecast Audio into it because we have Android phones, a Chromebook etc. and I don't want to be tied down to Apple.
