Couple of bits for sale that I have lying around unused.
First is a nice set of silver Suzue track hubs in 32h drilling (loose bearing). Purchased these on evil bay from a chap that listed them as new old stock. They don't appear to have been laced. Not all that familiar with unsealed hubs myself so had them checked out by LBS who told me that they're in great condition. Would make for a nice classic wheelset combined with some araya's or something. SOLD
Secondly is a San Marco Concor Supercorsa in black chamois finish. Used but not trashed condition. Couple scuffs at rear. Colour looks lighter in pictures than it actually is. Purchased from new about 18 months ago, all logos still visible. Would consider trade for black flite with logos intact.
Asking £25
Based in N15. Happy for people to come and view. Can also meet at a station/wherever within reason. Prefer not to post but can be arranged. Sensible offers considered. Cheers, D.
Couple of bits for sale that I have lying around unused.
First is a nice set of silver Suzue track hubs in 32h drilling (loose bearing). Purchased these on evil bay from a chap that listed them as new old stock. They don't appear to have been laced. Not all that familiar with unsealed hubs myself so had them checked out by LBS who told me that they're in great condition. Would make for a nice classic wheelset combined with some araya's or something.
Secondly is a San Marco Concor Supercorsa in black chamois finish. Used but not trashed condition. Couple scuffs at rear. Colour looks lighter in pictures than it actually is. Purchased from new about 18 months ago, all logos still visible. Would consider trade for black flite with logos intact.
Asking £25
Based in N15. Happy for people to come and view. Can also meet at a station/wherever within reason. Prefer not to post but can be arranged. Sensible offers considered. Cheers, D.