• #12777
• #12778
• #12779
really good. I'm guessing it's a reflection but can't work out how..?
• #12780
Cheers. It's an in-camera double exposure. I always forget it has that... And in RAW too!
• #12781
With your X100? If so, how?
• #12782
If only! It's with a 6D.
• #12783
I use that double exposure on my OM-D E-M1 quite often, good fun.
• #12784
:( You got my hopes up momentarily! Bit of Googling shows the X100s can do it though, which is annoying.
• #12785
I know... It's one of those features that you rarely use but is really fun when you do.
There's always Photoshop and screen layers but still...
• #12786
A photo of me riding my bike showed up in an online magazine article... reverse google image searching traces the image back to Getty.
The photo is far better than any of the official photos from the event and it would make a nice memento from the day. Is it cheeky to contact the photographer and ask for a high res copy? I'm always confused about ownership of image rights, but the guy clearly makes his living from sports photography so I feel a bit bad about asking him for a free copy... On the other hand, he's clearly managed to sell a photo of me at least once and I don't remember anyone asking me permission.
• #12787
Technically no-one has to ask you permission. It's worth contacting the photographer anyway as he might be feeling generous.
• #12788
i think it would be tight if he didn't give you one.
• #12789
If the image doesn't look like something I could sell in future, and the person asking isn't taking the piss, I give the image away.
Unless the photog sells images directly the the public (I doubt it), I can't see why a suggested donation or something wouldn't be enough. Especially if you make it clear that its of you, and so its for personal use, not publishing.
• #12790
My friend will have one if they're still going?
• #12791
Considering your face is clearly visible, I'd contact him and say you'd be willing to sell your image rights for a decent fee, and sign a model release form. Then he can sell it for commercial use too, which is way more money. He'd probably want that.
• #12792
Both sold now, cheers.
• #12793
• #12794
• #12795
• #12796
Perfectly reasonable. Same thing happened to me and family for the natural trust magazine. We asked and he sent us all the images for free (they were going for around £100-200)
That said he was taking photos of us when we asked so may have an issue making him believe you.
• #12797
Thanks @haveo & @Well_is_it.
Actually I did already discard this because of mad mustache distortion making a lot of lines look really weird, but guess I have tamed it pretty much alright now, also removed some clouds in the process which helped as well.. :] -
• #12798
Bus stop.
1 Attachment
• #12800
Love the photo with the ladies singing.
I love mine. So light too.