You can create an account and play with the interface, building a couple of investment scenarios and looking to possible returns etc, without putting any money in.
The interface is dead clear.
The web chat and phone support is really good - actual human talking plain english.
The only negative I would raise is that their investment cycle is weekly, so depending on when you put you cash in you could be waiting 10days to see it appear in your fund.
PM me your name and email address and I'll send you an invite.
You can create an account and play with the interface, building a couple of investment scenarios and looking to possible returns etc, without putting any money in.
The interface is dead clear.
The web chat and phone support is really good - actual human talking plain english.
The only negative I would raise is that their investment cycle is weekly, so depending on when you put you cash in you could be waiting 10days to see it appear in your fund.
PM me your name and email address and I'll send you an invite.