That sounds fine as it is. They can hit 104 and are safe at 90. Cooler is better but you ain't in dangerous territory by any means.
I'm sure if you really pegged it, you could go up to 80ish under load but you could always put a bigger cooler on. Are you using the stock cooler? What case fans do you have? Bigger is better with fans, as they can spin slower, quieter and push more air.
Sounds like you're mostly (entirely) restricted by the space you have for heat sinks.
Yeah? Is it just for bragging rights that people have ultra liquid cooled set ups that never pass 45? Same as 120 FPS (we all know 25 is fine BRO).
Yeah stock cooler, was super easy to fit. Might give it a proper test on some games tonight.
Lookgn at aftermarket coolers, do they require a plate on the other side of the MOBO too? Not a chance in hell i'm taking things apart that much, not even sure i'll have the room...
Just above 40 idle, getting up to 60 easy when under load, haven't gone nuts with it though so fear it may go even higher. I think my average was 45.
I don't think I want it to go above 60. 50 is prob better.