Ok perhaps Schnelly was correct, managed to get the old chain on with an extra powerlink and no skipping! Looking closely the front ring has a little wear. Its a bit shorter than the new chain so that probably helps and adjusted the chainline as well.
Just took it out for a spin around the block it definitely feels stiff on acceleration! Not noticeabley uncomfortable either, but I'll see how it performs on my commute tomorrow. Have added extra padding under the tape and will run the tyres at 90 psi so that should help too.
Now I just need to remember where I put those cable guides so I can get rid of the cable ties!
Ok perhaps Schnelly was correct, managed to get the old chain on with an extra powerlink and no skipping! Looking closely the front ring has a little wear. Its a bit shorter than the new chain so that probably helps and adjusted the chainline as well.
Just took it out for a spin around the block it definitely feels stiff on acceleration! Not noticeabley uncomfortable either, but I'll see how it performs on my commute tomorrow. Have added extra padding under the tape and will run the tyres at 90 psi so that should help too.
Now I just need to remember where I put those cable guides so I can get rid of the cable ties!