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  • My new headset cups fitted into my new frame without need for a headset press. Installation and tightening seemed fine, until a test ride. The cups are clearly too loose, as there's audible play under the 'front brake rock' test, and the same is felt when out on the road under reasonable braking also.

    What are my options? Different headset? Shim? Loctite? Fubared?

    Frame is a 2001 Look KG386, Carbon moulded with what I presume is an alloy headtube.

    Headset is an M Part Elite Inch Threaded.

    Thanks. Al.

  • It may not be the root cause of your problem, but my experience of M:Part is that the quality matches the price...

    I'd start with a Cane Creek 40 and if you still have problems, at least you know it isn't the headset.

  • Yeah, that was my assumption too, which is why I went for the top of their range - the Elite was 40 quid, which I thought would prevent any machining discrepancies that might exist in the cheaper models.

    Cane Creek don't do a mid price threaded headset, afaik? There's the 110, but that's Chris King money...
